9 Health Tips for Women's Health Week

9 Health Tips for Women’s Health Week

With Women’s Health Week taking place during May 10th – 16th, it is important to learn about the biggest health concerns for women of all ages and ways to remain in good shape both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, older women are more likely to have chronic or ongoing health conditions such as arthritis, high blood pressure, and other major concerns. Luckily, there is a lot that women can do to increase their chances of keeping up with their well-being as they age.

9 Health Tips for Women’s Health Week

The primary focus of Women’s Health Week is to spread the awareness of different health concerns and diseases that are most common to women and how to improve their overall health. After all, women make up 49% of the U.S. population and approximately 55% of seniors are women

Women's Health Week

These are 9 Health Tips you can start implementing to increase your chance of staying healthy:

  1. Eat healthier. – Choosing a variety of fruits and vegetables to include in your daily routine can increase your overall health and mood. The U.S Department of Agriculture has updated its nutrition concerns for older adults to not only remain healthy but also enjoy your meals! These recommendations include switching to spices instead of salt to increase flavors, drinking up to 3 cups of milk a day or any other preferred form of dairy, and consuming foods with B12 nutrients.  
  2. Get screened. – There are certain screening tests that can help determine different health concerns early on. Always ask your healthcare provider which tests are right for you. These screenings may include diabetes tests, blood pressure checks, depression screenings, breast cancer evaluations, and many more. 
  3. Lower your risk of falls and fractures. – If you live at home alone, reduce your risk of falls and possible fractures by moving around cluttered furniture and lower items in high reach places. For more information on how to improve your home, please visit our “How to Age-Proof Your Home” blog post.
  4. Use sunscreen daily. – Florida is known as a sunshine state so before heading out it is critical to protect your skin from the harmful rays. Because aging skin is more susceptible to sun damage and skin cancer, it is recommended to use sunscreen daily and wear protective clothing such as hats, sunglasses, and breathable long sleeve shirts or pants. 
  5. Quit smoking and drinking. – While drinking can be done in moderation, one glass a day or 7 a week, smoking is incredibly harmful to the lungs as you age. For help on how to stop smoking, call 1-800-QuitNow.  If you are currently on medication, it is recommended to stop alcohol consumption.
  6. Stimulate your brain. – Joining a book club or using puzzles to help exercise your brain. You can also challenge your brain by trying new hobbies or learning new skills rather than sticking to a certain routine. If you are currently living with someone with dementia or are suffering from dementia, try these At Home Activities for those Living with Dementia
  7. Take proper vitamins, supplements, and medications. – Keep on top of your health by taking medication as instructed by your doctor or healthcare provider. If you feel you are not getting the proper vitamins you need, consider asking your doctor which vitamins are recommended.
  8. Visit your doctor regularly. – Visiting your healthcare provider or doctor regularly can keep you from developing any possible diseases. Even if you feel healthy, it is recommended to go see your doctor yearly for your checkup. 
  9. Exercise daily. – With just 30 minutes of exercise a day, it helps stimulate your brain and increase your bone strength. This will help prevent health concerns such as osteoporosis or arthritis. Try simple exercises that you can do at home such as yoga, aerobics, or even going for a walk outside!

We encourage you to spread the news about Women’s Health Week and continue to practice healthy living during this time.

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