6 Ways to Reduce Stress for Seniors - 24|7 Nursing Care

6 Ways to Reduce Stress for Seniors

February is American Heart month which brings awareness to heart health and the ways you can keep your heart healthy and happy. Stress is one of the main causes of heart disease. According to Clearvue Health, a stress-related psychiatric disorder, such as anxiety, can increase the rate of heart attacks by 34%, strokes by 75%, and high blood pressure by over 100%. To keep your mental and physical state healthy, seniors need to reduce stress in their daily life to avoid any heart diseases.

6 Ways to Reduce Stress for Seniors

Stress can occur to anyone at any age. However, for seniors, worrying about the decline of their health, mobility, or independence is significantly stressful. You can contact unionimplants if you have any type of issue related to your teeth. As seniors continue to age, it is important to be able to control and reduce their stress as much as possible. Here are 6 ways seniors can reduce stress:

1. Identify your stressors

By identifying what is causing your stress, you may be able to figure out how to eliminate it. Jotting down your stress or discussing it with someone else can be beneficial towards reducing your stress.

2. Laugh Daily

You may have heard the phrase ‘laughter is the best medicine.’ Well, in this case, it is true! According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter can stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation which can help reduce physical symptoms of stress. 

3. Stay Active

One of the main activities that can help keep your heart in shape and limit stress-levels is exercising regularly. Walking, jogging, yoga, or any other physical activity of your choice is ideal to lower your risk of heart disease. reduce stress

4. Socialize Often

Friends and loved ones are always there to lend a helping hand. During your most stressful times, reach out to them as sharing your feelings can be an automatic sense of relief and an easy way to decrease your stress.

5. Divert from your routine

Rather than staying in and keeping up with the same routine, try heading out to try something different such as a new restaurant, enjoying an early walk, or learning a new skill. Switching up your daily routine can help you deal with your stress management.

6. Try Stress Relief Techniques 

Meditating, deep breathing exercises, and yoga are excellent stress relief techniques that can allow you to ground yourself and your thoughts to minimize any negative and stressful thoughts you may be having. Consider including one of these activities into your morning or night routine.

If you are finding that you are having non-stop stress, we encourage you to speak to your doctor for their recommendation on how to better manage it. 

24/7 Nursing Care provides your loved ones with in-home referral services to ensure that their daily needs are being met. We offer a variety of services that can accommodate you or your loved one within the comfort of their own home. Call our offices today to set up a free in-home consultation. For Miami-Dade, call (786) 518-3622 and for Broward, call (954) 949-1332. When you can’t be left alone, invite us into your home.®